The Ardennes Horse Dates Back To Ancient Rome
The Ardennes is one of the oldest breeds of draft horses that dates back to ancient Rome. They have heavy bones and thick legs, which made them the perfect breed for work. These massive horses can weigh over 2,000 pounds, and they are magnificent.
She definitely has more than a single horsepower. This horse could knock down a castle behind steel walls. If the Hulk were a horse, this is what it would look like only in green. It all makes sense now why ancient statues of horses had such strange proportions.
He Was Destined To Be Massive
"You just wait and see; I'm going to be so big one day." That chunky puppy proved everyone right and grew to be twice the size of his older sister. He looked so grumpy as a puppy because everyone kept saying how little he was, but no one is saying that anymore.
Now his sibling has somewhere to take shelter when it rains, and he can protect her from harm's way. They both look so much happier now that they are fully grown and comfortable with each other. The Malamute looks like it would be the best dog to cuddle with.
A Real Gentle Giant
Just when you thought you had seen big horses, think again. This Belgium draft horse is about 6'6," and it can weigh around 2,800 pounds. Despite its enormous size, it seems like a gentle giant, and the girl is not afraid of its size. Like the Trojan horse, you can fit the whole Greek army in that thing.
Although these can be ridden, they are mostly known for their ability to pull heavy weight around. They are very well tempered and work well with people, as you can see. If you rode one of these, you would probably feel like the king or queen of the world.
This Good Boy Doesn't Know How Big He Is
"Why can't I sit on your lap? I'm not that heavy. It will just be like a warm blanket." This big boy seems sad that he can't sit on his dad's lap, and he is giving him the silent treatment for saying no. Can you imagine how loud their barks must be and how long it takes to bathe them?
His mighty fluffiness is too cute to handle. We would let him cuddle until our legs fell asleep under his massive weight. Whenever his owners brush him, it must look like he had puppies because of the hairballs' size. Although he is big, he is a big cuddly boy who just wants love.
We Shall Call Him Chonkers
Have you ever seen such a round and chunky cat before? This beefy boy is so big he can wear children sized sweaters. His head is also bigger than his owners, but he doesn't look so scary. This is the kind of cat we would want to cuddle because it looks so warm and sleepy.
We don't know what breed of cat this is, or if it is supposed to be this big, but it is so loved. It reminds us of an anime kitty because it is so well-groomed and perfectly round. He must be full of wisdom, and when you pet him, he gives you life advice.
He Might Look Scary But He Is The Sweetest Boy
Although this dog might look big and scary, he is a good boy with a sad story. His family abandoned this wolfdog at a kill shelter when he got too big for them to handle. Before it was too late, a sanctuary took him and gave him a happy home where he could live his best life.
After they saved his life, the sanctuary conducted a DNA test because he doesn't look like any other dog they had seen before. The results showed he is 87.5% Gray Wolf, 8.6% Siberian Husky, And 3.9% German Shepherd. He might look like a werewolf, but he is harmless.
"Act Natural, I Think They See Me"
"Nothing to see here, just a bunch of regular cows doing regular cow things." This massive cow is six feet tall, and it stands out from the crowd like nothing we have seen before. The other cows clear a path for it because they are too nervous about being stepped on.
The cow said, "Moo-ve out the way." When you see it coming through, run in the opposite direction. It was saved from a slaughterhouse because it was too big for the equipment. Now it gets to roam in an open pasture and live the rest of its life in peace among the regular-sized cows.
Furry Baby Or Massive Cat?
Have you ever seen a cat that looks more like a human baby than this? It even has a little backpack for all of its belongings like its laser pointer, treats, and catnip. It likes to go on trips to the store with its owner because everyone admires him and his fluffiness. How much do you think he weighs?
The Bowzer cat managed to get his princess Peach to tote him around. All hail this chunky boy. The cat's actual name is Bonebone, and he has a large Instagram following. People admire him for his size, obviously, and adorable face that brings smiles to people worldwide.
Four Hornsman Of The Apocalypse
Animals with antlers or horns use them to fight and protect themselves, but sadly it can also attract the attention of hunters poachers. The one in the bottom right corner was hunted for its beautiful horns, and it didn't stand a chance. His unique drill bit horns are now hanging on someone's wall as a decoration.
The top right corner could lean back and scratch himself with those curly horns. If he is looking at planes, he might hurt himself with the pointed ends. If one of the bull's horns is just a tiny bit heavier, his whole head will lean over to one side. The evolution process for these animals must have been impressive.
This Cat Does Not Look Like It Should Be A Pet
If you are unfamiliar with the Maine Coon, it is the largest domesticated cat breed, and it acts more like a dog than a cat. Considering it is the size of an average dog, it is not that shocking. The only downside to these big boys is their loud meows that people will be able to hear all over the neighborhood.
We wouldn't want to be the one who has to clean his litter box. Instead of a box, they have to use a baby pool because it is too big for the average litter box. They must go through a lot of catnip and food with this big guy.
All Hail The Mighty Toad
We have heard of lap dogs and cats before, but we never knew about lap toads. This toad has never skipped a day at the gym, and we think he is juicing to get this big. He looks mean, but he is also holding her hand in the most sincere way. It's hard to get a read on him.
It looks like he is cosplaying toad Princess Leia with his shoulders as her buns. This might be the result if Jabba had succeeded. What do you think it's 'ribbit' sounds like? Some toads produce a hallucinogenic mucus, and this one looks like it would make you trip for days.
This Cat Is A Titan
Who knew that house cats could be so massive?! No wonder the Egyptians once worshiped them; they are fascinating. This one is named Chronos, and he is a titan. He is a Norwegian Forest cat, and they are big like the Maine Coon.
How is this woman so calm when her cat is the size of a lion? We would be nervous that it would turn on us in the middle of the night and realize that we should be serving it. It's hard to trust that cats all have loving intentions, especially at that size.
Hulk And His Puppies
This pitbull looks like he is the bouncer at the club telling his puppies, "You know the rules - no ID, no entry." This guy can beat up any of the other dog dads whose kids mess with his puppies. This dog hits the gym every day and can bench press more than most people.
We hope they leave his kid's ears alone because it is so awful when they cut pit bull ears. Pitbulls get a bad rap because people train them to fight, but those who are raised in loving households can be the best pets. This one looks intimidating, but he is probably a sweet dog with the family.
Fat Fred Is On A Diet, But It's Not Working Well
Everyone meet Fred. He is a beefy boy, and people often think he is pregnant because of his size, but he just gained a few pounds over the holidays. He had one too many cheat days, and now he is on a diet. He loves attention, but watch out for your small children because he will sit on them.
If you are interested, there are smaller models available, but Fred is not available for adoption. A normal house cat should not weigh this much, and 28 pounds is dangerous for his health. Although he is trying to lose weight, it looks like he needs to try a new diet plan.
He Drinks Chonka Cola
Remember the Coca Cola bear? This is him today. He let himself go a bit after they stopped using him in the commercials, and the acting jobs dried up. He felt like there was nothing left to do in his life but eat, so he got a little heavier than most people remember.
Although this is not technically a real animal, it must have taken hours or days to build this massive snow bear. How did they collect that much snow to build it taller than the house? At least he has a purpose again, so he can feel better since he lost the Coca Cola job.
Sadie The Squirrel Ate 3 Jack O' Lanterns
Sadie, the squirrel, is preparing for winter hibernation. She is bulking up to be fat and warm for the upcoming snowy months, and she had to eat a lot to get to her goal weight. So far, she ate at least three pumpkins in one sitting, and it doesn't look like she is stopping any time soon.
She is rubbing her tiny hands together, getting ready for her next meal. Sadie is almost at her peak weight, but she is still hungry for more. They say you are what you eat, and Sadie might turn into a pumpkin one of these days. Like most basic girls, Sadie knows that pumpkin season is fleeting.
He Has Risen
The prophecy has spoken, and the chubby orange cat has returned to fulfill his destiny. He doesn't know how he got on the roof, and he is angry that there is no one to help him down. How will he get more food to stay chubby if he is stuck on the roof?
He is ready to take his place as the supreme leader of the cats. It took him a while to reach his full form as the chubby cat, but it finally happened. Although he doesn't have his black stripes, he can have one of his faithful servants paint them on.
The Oldest Wombat That Ever Lived
Patrick was the world's oldest and largest wombat. The average wombat lives for around 15 years, but Patrick lived to be 32-years-old, which is double their life expectancy. He lived a full life and weighed a whopping 88 pounds. You can see that even the handler struggles to pick him up.
These furry creatures are native to Australia, and Patrick was beloved by everyone who met him. He spent most of his life in the Ballarat Wildlife Park before his passing in 2017. He looked like a giant baby, and the staff mourned his loss.
He Avoided Sheering For Six Years
People might think it's not kind to sheer lambs, but it is actually good for them because it allows them to cool off. However, this fluffy lamb named Shrek avoided sheering for six years, and it looks like he could make plenty of sweaters to keep people warm in the winter.
During those six years, he hid in a cave until someone finally found him. Unfortunately, he passed away when he was 17. He fended off wolf attacks because they couldn't chew through his thick wool. He could barely see by the time someone shaved him.
Tony The Tiger Has Been Hitting The Gym
"Steroids; They're grrreat!" Tigers are already scary because they can rip you apart in seconds, but this one is even more intimidating. Does this tiger train with the Rock and Arnold Schwarzenegger? It seems like tigers sleep all day, so how did he get this swol?
He has been on a protein-only diet, so it went straight to his muscles. Instead of biting his prey, he punches it with a strong uppercut, and down it goes every time. The children should stop tapping on the glass because he could turn around and break it at any moment.
"Help! It's Squishing Me"
When this little girl was feeling blue, her big bunny came to comfort her. It could be consoling her or pinning her to the seat; it's hard to tell because it is so bulky. This type of rabbit is called a Flemish Giant, and it is one of the largest breeds. They can weigh upwards of 15 pounds.
When he hops, the ground shakes below him like an earthquake. If Bunnyzilla was real, this is what it would look like when before being possessed. Since weighted blankets didn't exist back when this photo was taken, this is how they improvised.
A Real Life Slobber Machine
If giants had pets, this dog would be the perfect breed for them because they wouldn't care about the slobber, and their houses are fit for something this size. Although they are big and slobber, they are the best companions and big cuddly babies.
Next to the dog, she looks like a child, and when they go for walks, he is the one taking her for a walk. If he took off running, she would drag behind him like a rag doll. Some people are scared because they are huge and strong, but that shouldn't intimidate anyone.
Winnie The Pooh Has Left The Building
Just like Tony the Tiger, Winnie the Pooh has been bulking up so he can protect the Hundred Acre Woods from woozles. He doesn't need help from Piglet, Eeyore, or Tigger because his muscles will keep everyone safe. His honey diet must be working wonders for him.
If we saw this bear in the wild, well, we probably wouldn't be alive to tell the tale. It might have eaten a lot to prepare for hibernation, and it looks like it is ready to sleep for a few months. Someone warn Goldilocks because she does not want to steal this bear's porridge.
Someone Is Ready To Hibernate
This big bear looks like a pillow pet that would bite your head off if you tried to rest your head on it. It must have found a bunch of full fridges to get this thick while living in the wild. How many houses did it have to break into to be this big for hibernation?
He is almost to the point where he needs to be rolled towards his prey because his legs aren't strong enough to hold all that weight. If anyone is missing a child, they should check inside this bear's stomach because he looks like he could swallow one whole.
They're Going To Need A Bigger Boat
They said they needed a bigger boat in Jaws, but they clearly hadn't seen this situation. These sea lions were tired of the water and wanted a place to dry off, but it looks like they all need their individual boats. They are the perfect snacks for a shark the size of Jaws.
This boat is not going to survive these three sea lions, and it's a good thing there weren't any humans on the boat. It would suck to be the owner of that boat because they will never know why there was so much damage or how it sunk.
Bow Down To His Royal Majesty
If there were a cat royal family, this one would be the king. He looks like the rich villain in a Disney movie about cats. Everyone is envious of his fluffy coat, and he pays people to be his faithful servants, but people soon realize how mean he is, and they plot to take him down.
Besides an evil cat villain, he also looks like the woman who had too much plastic surgery and now resembles a feline. Out of all the big cats on this list, he is one of the most intimidating house cats, and we would not want to get on his bad side.
Not What You Want To See While Hiking
It's the last photo of your life, and this is what you see walking towards you. Everything after that goes dark, and this is what the rescuers find on the camera roll. It doesn't even have to attack because it would give anyone a heart attack immediately.
It's like he said, "Hi, welcome to my forest. You're just in time for lunch." Do all these animals go to the same gym? It's like Planet Fitness but exclusively for wild animals. It is the mountain lion that bullies all other mountain lions because they are weaker than him.
The Largest Single Cell Organism
Valonia ventricosa, otherwise known as bubble algae, is the largest single-celled organism. Just imagine the mitochondria on this thing - remember what those are from ninth-grade science? Although it is something that lives in the ocean, it still looks like a giant grape that would taste amazing.
Does anyone else have a strong urge to pop it? That would kill it, but it is so tempting because of its bubble-like structure. It's like a squishy eyeball that you are technically allowed to squeeze. Can we at least poke it?
Gary, You Have Grown So Much
If you saw this thing slithering by, you would be in for quite the fright. While it may be harmless, it looks likes something you would see in an alien monster movie. These snails continue to slowly grow throughout their lives and they live up to ten years.
Some people keep them as pets, but it is not like having a cute puppy. This one's face resembles a bunny in an odd way. We know what you're thinking, and no they do not meow like Spongebob's pet snail, Gary.
Hedgehog Or Snowy Dog
We don't know how this dog tucked its legs under its body so tightly, but it turned itself into a fluffy ball. With the snow on its back, it looks more like a hedgehog than a dog. Sonic seems to have let himself go after all these years.
Someone needs to get this dog a blanket because he looks so cold. We know these kinds of dogs love the snow, but if he is curling into a ball like that, doesn't it mean he is too cold? Why don't they let him inside where it is warm and cozy?
Where Is The Mother Of Dragons When You Need Her Help?
Queen Daenerys needs to get her dragon under control because it is trying to escape again. If you saw this monitor lizard climbing a gate, would you run for your life or stop to take a picture. It's big enough to have its own key for the gate so that it can get in and out easier.
He must have locked himself out, so he had to climb the fence to get back home. "Hey, guys, Can you unlock the gate? I forgot my keys inside." This is the stuff of nightmares. Can you imagine the person's face who is on the other side of the fence? They are probably terrified.
Baloo Has Been Working On His Physique
The jungle neighborhood got a little rough, so Baloo had to muscle up or become a victim of the scary surroundings. How much honey did this bear have to eat for it to grow muscles like that. Can you imagine how much bigger it must look from head-on?
If the Chicago Bears need a linebacker, they should ask this guy. They might actually make it to the playoffs with this bear on their team. You know he never misses an arm day at the gym. His legs could use some work to even things out, and he might want to start doing abs.
A Block Of Wool With Legs
This sheep is ready to be sheered, and it will make plenty of wool blankets, coats, gloves, and everything else needed to stay warm in the winter. He is a fluffy brick, but under all of that, he is probably not that big. Once he gets shaved, he won't be so massive.
We wonder what happened to this sheep and how many things were made with his wool year after year. He is probably long gone, but his memory will live on forever every time someone googles "absolute unit" because that is the first photo that comes up.
Don't Be Fooled; He Doesn't Need Treats
He might be a lap dog at heart, but he is not meant to sit on anyone. After having way too many treats, this big guy needs to go on a diet because he is too heavy for his size, and the vet said he needed to lose a few pounds. He looks like he just saw a fresh plate of chicken.
This dog probably has so much love to give in his fluffy body, but no one wants to cuddle in fear that they will be crushed. He is in the perfect spot for that woman to drop some food, but everyone knows that he cannot eat anything from the table.
You Shall Be My Squishy
Did Geiko start paying their spokesperson in food, or did he voluntarily let himself go? It looks like he is retaining too much water, and one poke will cause him to explode. It's probably best that no one tries it because that person would be in the splash zone.
How does he crawl up the wall with all that weight? His sticky feet must have trouble carrying that, but he managed to climb anyway. It reminds us of one of those things that expand when you put it in a cup of water, and the pet grows before your eyes.
Someone Forgot About Leg Day
Pumba found friends, and they decided to look for bugs in the dumpster. He had been working on his arms and upper body all these years, but he forgot to do any squats. His legs look tiny and fake compared to the rest of him.
He looks like one of those scary biker dudes with mullets in the movies, and he has his gang of biker friends that are slightly less intimidating. These things are terrifying, and we wouldn't get anywhere near them.
No Wonder The Ice Is Cracking
Polar bears are adorable to watch on the discovery channel, but when you realize how massive their claws are, it makes them a little less cute. These creatures are actually black despite what everyone thinks. Their skin is very dark under the translucent fur that reflects white.

Polar bears are also considered marine mammals because of how much time they spend in the water. These bears can swim for days at a time as they track down prey, and they can smell it up to a mile away.
Mr. Steal Your Hen
Hide your eggs, hide your hens because this rooster is coming to steal your women. Roosters are already scary and aggressive when they are small, so imagine how much more frightening they can be when he is this size.

We would not want to be on the farm when this guy gets riled up. He looks like he runs the show, and no one can mess with him. He probably chases everyone away when they come to collect the eggs.
When You Let Yourself Go During The Holidays
The holidays are a time when everyone eats a lot of food because there are different family meals and delicious holiday desserts. It's during those times when people tend to pack on the pounds. This is what most of us will look like once the holiday season is over.

Everyone will say, "My diet starts tomorrow," but we all know those new year's resolutions are not going to happen. It is going to take a lot more to get this holiday weight off. However, manatees don't care about their physique, so it doesn't matter to them.
Giant Asian Hornets
Remember when the second worst thing about 2020 was the hornets coming to America? Did everyone just forget about those things, or should we still be afraid? The giant Asian murder hornet is two inches long, and they destroy honeybee hives within an hour by decapitating each bee.

They also have a powerful sting, which injects venom that could kill a human. In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. The only thing that can harm them is a praying mantis. Let's hope there are no more of those in 2021!
A South American Snake The Size Of An 18-Wheeler
We should probably be happy that this monster snake dined mainly on fish. They must have been pretty massive fish though, perhaps even ones that are elsewhere in this very article. Nonetheless, it's enough to make your skin crawl knowing that these gigantic creatures were out there living somewhere, and somehow even worse that they could be hiding in the murky depths of streams and rivers, just waiting for us to dip our toes in.
The one consolation is that this specific species, Titanoboa, is said to be extinct. The bad news is there's no way to prove that something is extinct, we just have to assume since it hasn't been seen. But remember how they lurk at the bottom of muddy rivers and streams? Watch your toes...