Whether you're a dog person, a cat person, or a hamster person, we can all agree on one thing: sometimes, our pets get naughty. But even when they're little criminals stealing all the treats, our furry pals make us smile with those shameless looks that scream "guilty." So if you're in the mood for a laugh or need a reminder of why we love our four-legged family members no matter how many times they chew our shoes or steal our significant others, you've come to the right place.
Making Sure Dad's New Girlfriend Knows She's Not Invited
We've all heard of this stereotypical relationship problem: the girlfriend gets annoyed by how often the boyfriend plays video games with his buddies instead of spending time with her. By the looks of it, that's what's going on here. And this guy's dog saw it as an opportunity to give herself an edge over the girlfriend. She snuggled up to dad to show him just how little she minds the video games - "unlike that lady sitting over there," her expression says.
The dog seems to be making warning eyes at the girlfriend that she has won this battle.
Welcome to McDonald's Drive Through, How May We Help You?
Elephants are fascinating creatures that have extremely high intelligence. However, despite their brilliance, they still can't help but get into trouble now and again. In India, where elephants are more common, there is a military base where a particular elephant named Bhatbhoot lives. And this elephant feels so comfortable there that it often reaches through windows and uses its trunk to take some food. This happens so often that they have nicknamed him the "Rice Ghost."
We cannot imagine that the people who live there are fans of Bhatbhoot taking some of their food for itself, but they aren't exactly going to argue with an animal weighing thousands of pounds.
It's Called Survival of the Fittest, Kid
Fishing is an experience, not just a skill. Taking your child out to learn how to fish can teach them patience, love, respect for nature, and much more. When this child caught their first real fish, they were ecstatic, and the parents quickly snapped a picture of the moment. But the photograph doesn't just capture that child's precious moment; it also remembers the time their child's first catch got stolen by their cat.
You can see the cat reaching up to snatch that fish right off the child's fishing line. The child's face doesn't have tears, but those will probably appear shortly.
When You Know Where Mom Keeps the To-Go Treats
Dogs and their smiling, happy faces are some of the cutest things in the world. But they can make many other facial expressions. Just take a look at this beautiful black dog who has a look of utter fear in his eyes. The reason? Well, this good boy has just been busted being a bad boy. Looking at his paws, you can see that he was reaching into his mother's purse and doing some good ol' pickpocketing.
What could have driven this innocent dog into a life of crime? The only plausible explanation is that his mom must keep some excellent treats in her purse.
"You Might Be His Wife, but I've Never Seen Him Hold You Like This"
A common pastime of most couples is spending some time on the couch and enjoying the more recent streaming options. However, unlike most relationships, this guy's wife has been replaced by their cat. Now the spot next to the husband is cat-only. If you have any doubts, just check out the cat's facial expression. That serious look clearly says that the wife better thinks twice - and then think again - before sitting down.
Cats are territorial creatures. Usually, they lay claim to specific spots throughout the house, but they will also happily claim human beings and other living creatures as theirs.
When Dad's New "friend" Tries to Get in the Picture
If you're in a relationship during the holiday season, you'll probably want to get some adorable couple photos. If you have pets, then you have to include them to ensure everyone gets to see the entire family. When this couple came together with their respective dogs for a holiday photo, the boyfriend's dog made its feelings towards his new girlfriend quite clear with a massive kick to her face.
While it is not unheard of for pets to not love their owner's partner, it isn't often that the animal will make their feelings so well seen.
"Oh, This? This Is Just My New Lipstick"
Cats are just as bad as dogs when it comes to getting in trouble. We have all seen how cats love throwing random things off desks and their other nefarious behaviors. This cat's owners cut up a nice watermelon for themselves, but when they returned, they discovered their whiskered child eating it. The cat had no defense with its red-colored lips and watermelon-drunk expression. There was no getting out of this one.
The cat appears to have a bit of a drunk glint in its eye as the owner holds it up for the cat's mug shot photo. Guess watermelons are intoxicating for felines.
This Guy's Girlfriend Prefers to Spoon With His Prairie Dog
One of the many benefits of owning animals is that you will always have a cuddle partner. However, this is also one of the perks of having a romantic partner. One would imagine that the human partner would supersede the animals in the cuddles department, but this couple's prairie dog doesn't feel the same. This prairie dog snuggles right up to his owner's girlfriend's face every night, and they both look so peaceful.
This image of the girlfriend and the prairie dog coupling together is adorable, but it is also clear that the boyfriend is no longer necessary for snuggle time.
"Like Taking Candy From a Baby," Said the Cat
Babys, toddlers, and pets can be the best or the worst combination. For one, toddlers and babies with access to a household pet will not hesitate to get rid of their unwanted food by giving it to the dog or cat as soon as the parents turn their heads. And secondly, some furry friends won't hesitate to take both the unwanted and wanted food from their tiny humans. And down below, we see the perfect example of that.
The funny thing about this image is how the cat has stretched itself out from the edge of the couch to access his sibling's food — living on the edge.
It's a Thin Line Between Loyalty and Possessiveness
There's nothing better than when your favorite pet and your favorite human get along splendidly. But what happens when things go too far? That's what happened to the lovely woman who adopted her dog years before meeting her significant other. She thought the two of them were just good friends, but when she got out of the shower one day, she walked into this. It's clear her furry pal has become possessive over her boyfriend.
Not only is the dog's arm draped on the boyfriend's chest, but the expression on the dog's face makes it clear that the dog feels entitled to her boyfriend.
"If I Stand Really Still, No One Will See the Croissant"
One area that humans win over animals is their sneakiness. Our domesticated animals are known for getting into trouble, but they aren't well known for getting out of it. This is because they have the worst sense of being sneaky. For example, take this corgi who stole a croissant. Instead of sneaking away, the dog stood absolutely still so his owners would not notice the pastry in his mouth.
This dog will likely not be successful in a career as a thief since his method of escaping punishment is standing perfectly still because statues don't steal pastries.
"My Cat Told Me He's Her Boyfriend Now"
The cats in the household are once again acting like little thieves. Instead of stealing food or couch space, this cat has stolen this person's boyfriend. The situation is quite evident when you look at the cat and see it stretched out on the boyfriend's stomach. However, it is the eyes that seal the deal here. The cat seems to be making evil eyes at the girlfriend as if it's warning her.
What is the cat warning her against? We can only presume that the cat is making it quite clear that the boyfriend is now the cat's lover and no longer hers.
Doggy Nudged His Girlfriend Out of the Way Just to Take Her Spot
Many couples enjoy quality cuddle time in bed. This time is very important to ensure a strong relationship. However, this couple's alone time has become rudely interrupted by the boyfriend's dog. Over time this dog has begun to bark at the girlfriend until she gets out of bed. As soon as she is out of the spot, the dog swiftly claims the area right next to her boyfriend and does it with a sneaky smile.
The pup's posture makes it clear that the dog knew exactly what it was doing when it claimed this spot.
If "caught in the Act" Was a Picture
We've all heard the phrase "caught in the act." Sometimes it's used to describe an unfaithful partner, a criminal, and, in this case, a cat caught smack in the middle of eating someone's birthday cake. You can tell by its stance that this feline didn't even have time to run away before the picture was snapped. He was so busy digging his head into that cake that he didn't hear the humans coming.
The cat will have difficulty arguing that it wasn't the one responsible for eating the cake when its cheeks are full of delicious pastry.
Special Agents on a Mission to Steal Classified Food
Cats are usually anti-social creatures and do not necessarily get along with other animals, even sometimes other felines. However, one thing that binds together all creatures is a love for food. When these cats' owners went to bed for the night, they came together and planned their most incredible heist. They decided to build a ladder of cats to reach their food on the top shelf, and they were nearly successful when their owners caught them red-handed.
The image of the kittens looking at them with wide eyes is hilarious but also sad because they were so close to pulling off their heist.
Her Boyfriend and Cat Have More Couple's Pics Than She Does
One of the numerous positives about getting into a relationship is that you can now take excellent couple photos. When this woman began dating her boyfriend, she was probably hoping to fill up his phone with adorable photographs of the two of them. However, that is not how it ended up. Her cat swiftly fell in love with her boyfriend, and now his camera roll is filled with cute photos of her cat and him.
In retrospect, the cat could have hated the boyfriend, and then she would be in a difficult position. So this might be a better alternative to that situation.
The Neighbors Were Having a BBQ
One must not forget that dogs were once bred to assist their humans in hunting. Only in more recent times have they been entirely devoid of their hunting opportunities. Therefore, it is no surprise that, occasionally, the instinct to hunt something down might come out in your dog. For example, just check out this good dog who went on a hunting trip and returned with a piece of bread.
This is evidence of how domesticated dogs have become. They once hunted down live animals, and now they're proud to bring home a loaf of bread.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
One common personality trait amongst cats is their entitlement. Most cats believe that everything they see is theirs, and we find it best not to argue with them on this. For example, there is this one street cat that likes to go fishing for its food, and the cat is immensely grateful that the humans have put all its food into one big bowl for it to fish out of right on the street.
Hopefully, the human putting the food on an easy-access platter has been supplying the feline's preferred fishy cuisine. Otherwise, it might write a nasty review.
Tell Us You Have Attachment Issues Without Telling Us You Have Attachment Issues
Cats are notorious for being unloyal, but sometimes, people just misunderstand them. The thing is, cats are completely capable of having multiple owners. When this woman got into a relationship with her boyfriend, she was unaware she had just signed him on as her cat's second owner. The girlfriend's cat swiftly adopted the boyfriend as its cuddle buddy, and the girlfriend doesn't get a say in this matter.
There is nothing better than having a snuggle buddy for those excellent midday naps. The cat has found its partner in crime. Guess the couple can never break up now.
It's a Little Trick Called Hidden in Plain Sight
When animals attempt to hide or find somewhere dark for a nap, they often seem to operate on the illusion that what is happening to their head is the case for their entire body. This corgi was seeking a good hiding spot underneath the bed and seemed to assume that he was invisible since his head was underneath the bed. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for us, his back legs stuck out for all to see.
In the first photo, you can even see the corgi's brother judging his pal's poor attempt at hiding. He looks disappointed his hiding lessons didn't stick.
Safe to Say It Was a Premeditated Attack
In most criminal prosecutions, one must go through a system of justice to prove if someone is guilty or not. Part of this process is proving that the alleged criminal had motivations and had planned out their actions. Since that is the case, this cat burglar is going to jail for pancake thievery. In the first photo, you can clearly see premeditation in how the cat is eyeing those pancakes.
In the second photo, there is the culprit gets caught red-handed. It would appear to us that this is the open-and-shut kind of criminal case.
Whenever He Misbehaves, He Puts on His Invisibility Cloak
If you were wondering if only your dog were terrible at hiding, then let us reassure you that your dog is not alone. All dogs seem to be terrible at this particular skill. If you need another example, just look at this adorable white, fluffy dog who appears to be operating under the belief that sheer, see-through curtains are actually one-way mirrors. While he can see us, we cannot see him.
While dogs occasionally show some higher levels of intelligence, this is just one of those signs that dogs are not operating with a full brain at all times.
Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?
It is pretty common for people to take photos on social media of their meals. This person wanted to take a photo of their picture-perfect cookie and coffee, but after taking the picture for social media, they noticed that something seemed off about the photograph. Upon closer inspection, the person realized that there appeared to be an animal's paw coming up from between the cracks of the porch, and it was reaching for the cookie.
We assume the cat did not get away with their sneaky cookie grabbing. However, we are still impressed by this very high-level sneak ability.
They Were Wondering Where the Peanut Butter Went and Then...
Dogs are the very best at making guilt-free faces. After all, where do you think the phrase "puppy dog eyes" came from? However, despite this puppy's attempt at appearing innocent, the dog's owners still investigated the case of the missing peanut butter. With some intense forensic investigation, they soon discovered that all the evidence was painted on the puppy's face. Not only was he sporting those eyes, but also a peanut butter mustache.
Even with the peanut butter mustache being an obvious indicator of the guilty party, we expect the investigative team to forgo the evidence and just give a light warning.
"if I Sit Here, the Vet Won't See Me"
Timeout is a system of punishment that is often used to discipline children who are misbehaving. Animal owners have made attempts to institute similar punishments on their animals by sending them to their crates, but we've never seen a cat be sent to stand in the corner. Turns out that is self-punishment because the cat would rather stand in the corner than deal with the veterinarian that is standing behind it.
Honestly, we are sympathetic because, at some point in our lives, we all would have rather stood in a corner than go to the doctor's office.
It's a Rags to Riches Story
Adopting an animal is a serious decision that cannot be taken lightly. When this couple finally came to the decision to adopt an adorable puppy, they did not expect that he would become a sandwich thief so early on. His first meal after being adopted was a sandwich that he had swiped off the counter. The puppy grew up and eventually became the face of his sandwich shop.
This story proves that everyone can change. A thieving puppy can grow up into a respectable business owner. We are so proud of you, Cooper; you set a very high bar.
"I Wasn't on the Bed," Says the Guilty German Shepherd
Couches, beds, and other locations in your house might be restricted areas, meaning your animals are not allowed on or in these portions of the house. These rules are standard and are also frequently broken by household pets. For example, this woman's German Shepherd is not allowed on her bed. So when he got caught, he simply rolled off and attempted to play it off as if he wasn't caught.
While dogs have the memory of the goldfish, people do not. We will not so easily forget that you broke the house rules, no matter how adorable you are.
Innovative Cat Steals and Hides His Food Packages in the Laundry Machine
While cats own most of the apartments and homes they live in doesn't mean that they don't have backup plans. This particular cat felt that its owner was either not feeding him enough or that he didn't have enough control over its food supply. Naturally, the cat began stealing packages of his food and hiding them around the house. The owner discovered the cat's food stash in the washing machine.
Okay, this cat might not have been the best hider, but this still shows some solid intellectual skills. The cat had created a savings account for food.
At Least It's Not a Dead Mouse
Cats are related, somewhat distantly, to their larger animal counterparts. While tigers, lions, and other large cats are excellent hunters, their smaller family members are less inclined to hunt down their prey since domesticated cats can usually just verbally demand to be fed. In this case, this house cat felt its food wasn't coming quickly enough and went out to hunt down some food for itself. It came back with a sausage.
While sausages are normally not found in the wilderness, this cat was able to get this rare find in the wilds of suburban America from an unknown neighbor's BBQ.
She Brought Enough for Everyone
One aspect about dogs that animal owners shouldn't forget is their capacity to be helpful to their owners. It can be herding sheep, grabbing the mail, or even helping by carrying stuff for the family picnic. This person's dog, Isabella, really enjoys helping out her owners prepare for their picnics by carrying the buns in her mouth. While some might claim she stole the bread, we all know she was just helping out.
Since Isabella is such a helpful dog, it makes sense that she should be rewarded with all of the buns. Such acts of selflessness need to be rewarded.
So Proud of His Hiding Skills
Now and again, on rare occasions, your animal will be able to successfully hide from you. Perhaps, they recruited the assistance of others in the house, or they just found the perfect spot. In this case, their big dog found such a good hiding spot that he couldn't keep himself hidden and just had to show his parents the best hiding spot in the house. Hint: he is underneath the couch cushions.
The dog is poking his head out from the cushions, and the massive grin on his face shows how happy he is with his accomplishments. Honestly, he could have hidden there forever.
When It's Nail-Clipping Time
Cats and dogs do share some common ground. For example, they both hate having their nails clipped. This cat is so hateful of the process that instead of getting his nails clipped, he decides to hide from his owner before the deed. Unfortunately for the cat, his chosen spot was not the best option. As the cat hides in the window frame, you can easily see his outline and fur poking out behind the blinds.
We will give the cat an 8/10 on this one because he did match the color of the blinds, and this could have worked at nighttime.
He's Going on Santa's Naughty List for Sure
While cats are often sneaky creatures, they are also obvious at other times. Your cat can sneak up behind you and scare the living daylights out of your body, but when they attempt to steal food off the counter, it is obvious to everyone in the room. Such as this adorable kitten who was reaching for a cinnamon roll that was on the kitchen table before they were caught red-pawed.
The look on the cat's face at getting caught is full of stunned silence. This sneaky cat just cannot believe his daylight thievery was obvious to everyone watching.
Real Friends Don't Snitch
Cats are often the boss of the house or apartment. This is not only the case regarding the cat-to-owner relationship but also extends to include the other animals in the household. For example, this cat was likely trying to hide from her parent for some reason and demanded that the dog serves as her shield from prying eyes. Unfortunately, the dog laying his head on the cat did not create the optical illusion that the cat was expecting.
Yes, we can easily see you. As a rule of thumb, if you can see us, then we can likely see you as well. Doesn't seem the cat understands this concept.
How'd a Seal Get Into the Bathroom?
We've seen dogs hide behind objects or underneath furniture. The other method of incredibly bad hiding is hiding underneath blankets and towels. We are seeing a different flaw in the dog psyche that believes that if they cannot see you, then you cannot see them. This dog believes that by standing underneath a towel, we won't recognize that adorable nose as belonging to this dog. Well, the dog is right because all we see is a cute seal.
If you were debating on what costume you would force your dog into this upcoming year, you need to look no further than a towel or blanket.
Shoe Addictions Are Real
We aren't sure why, but it seems that dogs often feel entitled to tearing up our shoes. Why shoes? No clue. However, it is pretty much a fact that your dog will attempt to chew up your favorite shoes at some point. However, instead of chewing these shoes, this dog prefers his parent's garden shoes and just flat-out steals them. Odd behavior, and we have to wonder why the garden shoes?
This question remains unanswered, but the dog carrying away the shoe is filled with so much joy and pride at his accomplishment that we are not going to stop him.
When Your Friend's Not a Morning Person but You Are
Ever had your cats play hide and seek with each other? Well, this pair of kittens were attempting to play their own game. In the end, it turns out that both of them were extremely bad at the game. When the first kitten went searching, he soon discovered his pal hidden away in a glass jar. While it was a lousy hiding spot, the kitten seemed perplexed about how he was able to see but not touch his kitten companion.
These adorable creatures are so new to the world that they still have not discovered the great mysteries of the world, like glass, and it is so cute we are literally squealing.
She Fell in Love With Her Owner's Boyfriend
Dogs are extremely loyal creatures until they're not. This dog wanted to go out and spend the day at the park, and when the dog's owner couldn't take her, the boyfriend happily did. After a long day of running around and playing, they drove home, and the dog laid her head down on his arm. The eyes the girlfriend's dog gave her boyfriend can only mean one thing: she's falling in love.
This dog has got the feelings hard, and the girlfriend is going to be surprised that after one afternoon in the park that she has been replaced by her dog.
He Was Done With the Conversation
One downside of owning animals is that they make noise and are a mess. These traits can be disciplined with training, but many people do not do this. Instead, many owners let their dogs become the types of animals that bark when the wind changes direction, such as in the case here. When this dog got in trouble for barking, he felt so ashamed he needed to hide away, but his efforts weren't effective.
This dog's attempts at hiding were sticking his nose underneath the fridge. Unfortunately, buddy, you are just a tad too big to fit in that small area.
Don't You Dare Take One Step Closer...
Bringing our animals to the vet is essential to animal care. Owning an animal also means ensuring that they are healthy and well taken care of in all aspects of their lives. Unfortunately, animals seem to have a strong dislike and massive distrust of their doctors, just like human toddlers have towards theirs. Sadly, no matter how upset, they still needed to go, and this cat was not having it.
Instead of escaping the clinic, this cat decided that he would hide from the vet. Unforautnly for the cat, he didn't choose the best spot when he chose the sink.