Let's Hope She's Not Lactose Intolerant
Anyone who has owned a dog knows that dogs love putting things in their mouths, which is especially true for our food. The first rule of owning a dog is to never leave food out around them. Leaving your dinner where a dog can get to it is just asking for trouble. One minute it’s there, and the next, your dog has devoured the whole chicken dinner. Imagine the shock!

This little dog is no exception, she saw an opportunity, and she took it. Instead of taking just one slice, this daring girl found a way to get up on the counter and devoured an entire family-sized pizza. Maybe next time, she could get her own pizza. But we just can’t stay mad at her.
He Will Not Be Left Behind
Dogs tend to get into all kinds of mischief when we leave the room. This might be because dogs are pack animals and hate being left alone. They chew, scratch, and destroy our property in protest, so you can imagine how they would react if their owner decided to go on vacation like this next dog who had no intentions of letting her owner leave. It's a sure thing that they'd have something to say about it.

He decided to pull out the oldest trick in the book – he ate her passport. We’re not sure if this was intentional, but it certainly got the message across.
Show Them Who’s Boss
The big difference between cats and dogs is that dogs will let you tell them what to do. Most of the time, they will follow your commands and love doing it. On the other hand, cats will look you in the eyes and ignore you or challenge you. Some of them will take it a step further. This cat took it two steps further and took a pee in his owner’s hoodie.

From the look on his face, it definitely seems like he’s the one who is in charge of this relationship. You can see he regrets nothing and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Serial Cookie Bandit
From sock thieves to underwear bandits, there are a lot of mischievous pets on this list, but few compare to Willis, the dog who has decided to take the phrase “like taking candy from a baby” very literally. Whether it started as a curiosity or out of spite, Willis is a full-on cookie thief now. It’s a slippery slope stealing cookies, you take one from a stroller, and it quickly gets out of hand.

Who are we kidding, though? If a dog came up and looked at us with those big brown eyes, we'd give him the cookie. He wouldn't even need to steal it. We'd give it to him willingly.
The Personal Shopper and the Tech Support
We learn that animals may be more intelligent than we give them credit for every day. Judging by this photo, they are quickly getting the hang of technology. Purchasing a cellphone off of Amazon is no small feat, and they seemed to know what they did was wrong. Why else would they try to hide the evidence by turning off the internet? We’re still unsure why the owners tried to shame these very clever ferrets.

They could probably help the owners file their taxes online once they get the hang of it all. While the owners saw something to punish, we see this as an absolute win.
Not so Silent but Oh so Deadly
Horror films can be a fun experience because they keep us on edge and send our hearts racing. We just can’t get enough of the feeling, but it can often make us very jumpy when it comes to random sounds and movements around us. Watching a film with someone can make that experience a little easier. Sitting beside a good friend or a pet can be really comforting in these situations.

Just like this good boy here and his dad did until the pup tried to scare the living daylight out of his dad with a loud fart.
The Neighborhood Bully
Sometimes punishments just don't work, and the guilty party just wears it as a badge of honor. So, when this rooster wouldn't stop harassing the poor neighbors, he did just that and proudly wore the sign his owner placed around his neck. There's not an ounce of shame in that rooster's eyes. It's as if he's telling his owner that he'd do it again in a heartbeat. Those eyes say it all.

We aren’t sure how to train a rooster, but he is in desperate need of some serious anger management classes if he’s terrorizing small children. Not cool, dude.
Repeat After Us: Fish Are Friends, Not Food
Cats are notoriously picky eaters and usually only eat at certain times or in certain spots. They also prefer to hunt for live prey if given the opportunity over canned food and will often go out of their way to hunt down small animals such as mice and fish; it’s just in their nature to be predatory animals. Most cat owners find it challenging to own cats in addition to other small pets.

Unfortunately for the goldfish here, this cat wanted to try something new and decided that it was a good day to go fishing. Normally cats dislike water, but in this case, the edible goldfish was more of a draw.
Meet the Kool-Aid Man
Ever heard people talking about something you love in the next room, and you immediately rush over to join in on the conversation? We just love being part of the conversation, and this energetic pup must also love it. Perhaps his owners have been talking about quality steaks or going for a nice walk. Maybe he heard them calling his name? Why else would this dog run through a brand new screen door?

Dogs are very excitable animals and don't notice when something is blocking their path, or maybe this pup just has a flair for the dramatic and wanted to make a memorable entrance?
The Gift of Giving
Everyone loves receiving gifts; it's a way of showing others we care about them. Cats are no different. One of their favorite things to do is bring kills to their owners. It's their nature to hunt and bring food back for their family. When a cat shows up with a mouse in its mouth, you know that cat loves and cares for you. Unfortunately, it's hard to teach your cat to go against nature.

However, this person was probably not very appreciative of seeing a mouse in their cat's mouth as they got home - especially when said mouse was alive and soon released in the bedroom. But wait until you see what the next cat did.
Breakfast in Bed
As we've seen before on this list, cats are very good at hunting small animals like mice. One of the most significant advantages of having them is free pest control. Cats aren't particular about what they hunt, but they will kill anything. However, it is not exactly convenient when your cat takes their job too seriously. After feeling very proud of its latest catch, this cat decided to show her mom.

Unfortunately, her mom was sleeping and refused to wake up, so the obvious course of action would be to drop the mouse directly into her mother's mouth. That's not the kind of breakfast in bed she was expecting.
It's Beginning to Taste A Lot Like Christmas
The Christmas season is a time of giving, spending time with family, and having warm meals. We mentioned earlier that you should never leave food out if you have pets, but this dog has taken it to a whole new level. Sometimes our pets just want to join in on the festivities, and this dog thought the best way to celebrate was by adding some Christmas glitter into his diet.

It’s weird because most Christmas ornaments don’t particularly look or smell appetizing to us, but all the same, animals love trying to put them in their mouths.
Toucan Works Overtime
Many birds like shiny things and a set of shiny, jingly keys look pretty enticing for a mischievous little toucan. In this case, the keys were necessary for the store to open and close. The bird must have thought it was pretty funny stealing them and making the staff stay back looking for them. Maybe he was feeling lonely or just hungry, but he definitely gave the whole pet store a run for their money.

We thought working at a pet store would be pretty fun, but if every pet store had a bird as naughty as this one, we might think twice next time.
Forbidden Snacks
They say teamwork makes the dream work, which is what happened here. These two dogs managed to pull one over on their dog-sitter, and while one kept a lookout, the other got into a lot of trouble. In the true fashion of criminals worldwide, this plan was perfection. Usually, eating food that they aren't supposed to would be bad enough. And when they get into eating some particularly naughty snacks, they'll be in for a wild ride.

This wild ride resulted in the owners taking them to the vet and spending $1000. Hopefully, the dog-sitter wasn’t in too much trouble. We know this will make a great story later on.
Cat Is Big but Vet Bills Are Bigger
Body size is nothing to be ashamed about, and shaming others for being bigger is wrong, but this next owner seems to think Pan the cat is a bit of a glutton. There are all types of cats in this world, some like to run around and chase mice or climb trees, and others prefer to bask in the sun and sleep all day. Pan sounds like he belongs to the second group.

As much as we love adorably chubby animals, we are not a fan of “extraordinary vet bills.” We feel for the owner on this one. Maybe they are just trying to prevent more health issues rather than shame the poor cat. The first step to that would probably be not naming him after a cooking utensil.
Milking the Situation
Some pets require lots of love and attention. That time is usually when their owners come from work, but working from home has left a lot of pets wondering if all time is quality time now. This dog doesn't understand that his owner is working. He's decided that "mooing like a cow" whenever his owner was on a business call seemed like a perfectly normal thing to do when asking for attention.

It looks like it worked out because now we're all moo-ved by his actions. His owner might not be in the same mindset, however. We're sure they didn't expect a cow when they brought home a dog.
Fast Friends
Unless you train them, dogs that grow up around people have no concept of stranger danger. Humans, to them, are just more places to get pets and hugs. They are some of the friendliest animals on earth, leading to trouble if they aren't adequately disciplined. This dog shows us this by completely giving in to the urge to play and jumping into a stranger's van to say "hi" to their kids.

It's a very pure act that can lead to the best of friendships but might also be dangerous. Luckily the van this precious dog jumped into was full of friendly people.
Groundhog Day
Sometimes, dogs need a reminder that they aren't the kings of the yard. Beau needed to learn a crucial lesson that involved calling the local authorities for assistance. After chasing some groundhogs, Beau must have thought that he could definitely fit inside their burrow and got himself stuck. Not once, however, but twice! Both times his owners had to call the local sheriff to help Beau out.

Usually, dogs chase intruders away from their homes, but this time, it seems like it was the other way around. Luckily for Beau, he’s adorable enough to get away with being a bit naughty twice.
The Jet-Setting Cat
Cats are generally known for their independence and hunting skills, but what happens when a skilled predator doesn't want to be alone when his owner takes off? Even though they might not always show it, our cats do love us. We think. Darrel, the cat, shows us how he can use his skills to join his mom on an adventure of a lifetime with her horse as they take off to enjoy a rodeo.

This cat has been on a more grand adventure than most house cats will go on in their lifetime. Darrel sure is living the good life learning about the wonders of road trips and hotels.
The Infamous Sock Thief
We’re starting to see a trend that ferrets can be very clever and sneaky pets, as is the case with Ruby the Ferret. This lovable rascal felt like playing a little game of scavenger hunt with their owner’s socks. Ruby decided to take all the dirty socks out of the laundry bag and scatter them throughout the house. We’re sure her owner had a fun time looking for matching pairs.

Pets like to pick the strangest things to play with as toys, like cardboard boxes and toilet paper rolls, but we’re unsure why they would think our clothes would make fun toys?
Tail of Two Good Boys
Everyone loves getting a good nickname, nicknames are one way we show affection for one another, and they can tell others a lot about a person. Take Huxley the Golden Retriever, for instance. You can tell he’s a dog that has a hard time following orders because his owners like to call him “Huxley drop it,” “Huxley, I’m serious stop it,” “Huxley be gentle,” and simply “Huxxlleeyyyy.” Maybe he just likes hearing loud voices in his direction?

Hugo the Golden Retriever, however, goes by Hugo. Maybe he's a good boy or just better at not being caught. We do know for a fact that both of them are adorable, and we would forgive them easily.
Not Passing the Buck-Buck
People and domesticated animals have had a good relationship for a long time. We keep them safe from predators, and they provide us with many useful things. So what happens when one of these animals decides it’s just going to live with their humans rent-free? This hen has decided she doesn’t want to hold up her end of the deal. Because of this, their owner had to buy eggs at the grocery.

Talk about embarrassing. Hopefully, after this little online shaming, the hen is now back to laying eggs and not being a freeloader.
Hide the Evidence
Cats are considered very low-maintenance pets. They clean themselves, do their business in a litter box, cover it up, and generally keep to themselves. This next one has us doubting those claims of hygiene. Puddy, the cat, proves that every cat is different. While doing his business in his litter box, he accidentally dragged his poop out and carried it out across the house. While this would be bad enough, it gets worse.

He rubbed off on the carpet, but it went deeper than that. Puddy then tries to hide the poop in the rug and sit on it. It's okay, Puddy. No need to hide your shame.
Always Remember the Rule
As we’ve seen, dogs are brilliant and can be very greedy. The kind of greed that happens when they know their human will simply laugh at their behavior. We want to remind people to always remember that first rule about owning dogs: never leave food out around them. They will find a way to eat it, and sometimes, just like this next dog, you might not find out about it until it’s too late.

This little guy wanted some peanut butter and toast but didn’t want to get caught. So he only licked the topping off. He would have gotten away with it, too, if his human didn’t notice after the third slice.
Redecorating the Throne Room
Everyone who owns a cat knows that they are the ones who call the shots in the relationship. We don’t own the cat or the house. We just live there, provide them with food, and if we’re lucky, we can get to pet them. This cat has left his mark on his house. He found the best seat in the house with a great view – where he could comfortably oversee his kingdom.

There was one slight problem with the décor - the blinds were simply atrocious, so he got rid of them. Now this family can’t get their deposit back.
A Puzzling Mystery
Dogs aren’t picky eaters. If you put food in front of them, they will put it in their mouths. Apparently, this includes puzzle pieces. We’ve seen many things go missing on this list, from socks to underwear to food, but this dog has left us quite puzzled about why he would want to eat those pieces. Do puzzle pieces taste that good, and nobody told us? Wait, does the ice cream actually taste like ice cream?

At least the family could figure out where they were going eventually. All the pieces finally came together.
When the Punishment Fits the Crime
This is a case where we think the dog was unjustly punished and punished twice. Dogs are known for putting things in their mouths and eating them – why would Phife not do what comes naturally? If you get a dog a toy of any kind, you can almost always expect them to start chewing on it. We do appreciate the owners being creative with their punishment and having it fit the crime.

We definitely think it’s a bit unfair to the dog and being punished twice. Looking on the positive side of things, Phife now has a pretty cool hat out of the whole experience. The negatives are being shamed online. The positive is a cool hat. We think we know who the winner is here.
Sweet and Smelly
Hedgehogs are tiny, adorable animals, and they look like they would make great pets, but looks are deceiving. It seems like every rose has its thorns, or in this case, every hedgehog has its spikes. As pet owners, we're used to some level of "gifting" from our pets. This little hedgehog is a perfect example of this as he has taken to leaving surprises inside his owner's slippers, not the nice kind of surprise either.

Could he be marking his territory, or is it just a comfy place to do his business? Either way, hedgehog owners should probably leave their slippers somewhere the little guys can’t reach.
Someone Was Jealous of Alexa
It must have been so confusing for this good little boy when his owners said they were bringing home an Alexa. He must have thought it was a new friend. The look on his face tells us all we need to know about how confused he is. Unfortunately, Alexa isn’t a real person and not a friend for puppies; even more confusing when Alexa starts talking back to the rest of his family.

Maybe it was no accident, and he tried to get rid of her. Either way, this poor puppy has set this family back a couple of bucks for sure.
Food Hacks
Dogs are notorious beggars. But some cats, like this next one, aren't too far behind. This one cat has found a way to cheat the system and satisfy that hunger. When you train your humans to feed you every time you meow, you can get away with having a second or even third dinner. This approach is a tried and true method that has worked for many generations of cats.

There are ways to protect yourself from your cat's lies. One tip is to leave a message or a note on the cat collar telling people they have been fed. We must warn that the cats will not be happy about this.
The Smell of Defeat
Dogs are straightforward animals: they like to eat, sleep and play. Keep them fed and well cuddled, and you've got a companion for life. They especially love to chase things like cars and squirrels, pretty much anything that moves. Apollo the husky here thought it would be a fun idea to pursue a skunk. Unfortunately, most creatures who go after skunks lose that battle and return home, smelling like defeat.

When one person loses a battle with a skunk, so does everyone around them. Apollo’s whole family had to suffer the smell, but at least everyone now knows better than to take on a skunk, we hope.
First Socks Now Underwear
It seems like stealing clothing is a favorite pastime for pets, as with this next pet trying to outdo the sock bandit from the ferret above. Stealing underwear would have been some light-hearted fun if it was just between him and his mom. However, when he starts bringing those undergarments to house guests, that's a whole different story. There are some secrets that should remain, you know, secret. Houseguests don't appreciate some types of gifts.

Usually, dogs are supposed to fetch balls or sticks, not his mom’s underwear. If this dog and the ferret teamed up, they’d be unstoppable.
Lost in Translation
Sometimes it's hard being a pet owner because we desperately want to know what our pets are trying to tell us, but the communication barrier can be tricky. This little doggy wanted to tell her owner that she wanted to go outside but couldn't get the message across, so she took matters into her own paws. Instead of using her words(or barks), she took action and made her own doggy door.

She had some good intentions of being self-sufficient, but it didn’t always work out. We think she did her best.
An Early Start to the Day
Cats are notorious for being awake and playful at all hours of the night. They can cause a big headache for owners just trying to get some sleep. This can be frustrating because a bored cat is a dangerous cat and can get up to all kinds of mischief, but we tend to forgive them because they are just so cute. This little guy was up at 4 am and wanted some attention from his mom.

Unfortunately, his mom was asleep, so he did the only logical thing to wake her up after scratching and meowing failed – he started dribbling in her eye. On second thought, maybe he was just famished.
Eat First Think Later
Dogs are straightforward creatures, and most times, they will act without overthinking it. If they see something they want, they chase after it. For example, if you minded your own business while eating a tasty burger in your car and a dog happened to get a sniff of it, they might just jump out of the car next to you and take a big bite out of it.

We’d be just as confused as this person if a dog stole our burger. We’re not surprised as we’ve seen many pets on this list steal food before, and we all know how dogs can be around food.
Cats Do What Cats Do
Cats and humans have a bizarre relationship, we think we have domesticated them, and they are our pets. In reality, they just let us live with them. This cat seems to enjoy bringing things he's caught into the house and letting them free. We're not sure that this is typical cat behavior at all. Does his mother appreciate having snakes slithering around the house? No, will he keep doing it? Probably.

Maybe if he sees how much he’s being shamed online, he’ll think twice about doing it next time. You know what? He probably won’t stop because he’s a cat. They run the show, after all.
Following the Thread
Cat owners know that most cats enjoy playing with toys like yarn, string, or anything dangling and jiggling. As natural-born predators, they react to erratic motions, triggering them to attack. This cat took it a bit too far and tried to eat the “prey” after it was caught. His fun didn’t stop there. After he was finished eating his mom’s knitting yarn, he went for round 2 before he had even finished pooping it all out.

We had hoped the tummy issues would stop him from trying again, but this cat loves that yarn, even if it comes with some stomachaches.
Puppy Charger
Like most babies, puppies also put a lot of things in their mouths and chew on them, everything from slippers to stuffed toys. The last family was lucky enough to get away with losing a five-dollar stuffed bear, but Pacino, the puppy, was having some trouble teething and needed a quick fix. The first thing he found that seemed appetizing was a laptop charger. Unfortunately for his owner, that laptop charger is an expensive piece of equipment.

Losing that would upset anyone, but we hope the owners didn’t treat him too harshly. Judging by the look on this little guy’s face, we’d say he’s very sorry.
Minty Fresh
Yet another case of dogs being dogs, just eating whatever they can. However, this time, this dog was probably interested in keeping his breath fresh and heard that mint does wonder. Unfortunately, he may have gone a little overboard with this one. Nothing good ever happens when you take things in excess, and this little pup learned that lesson the hard way. If you've got a dog interested in minty breath, give them some doggie treats instead.

We’re happy the dog was fine in the end, as the note said he “almost got sick.” Take everything as a learning opportunity, and we can be sure that he’ll think twice about trying that one again.
Master of the House
We’ve learned that while not all cats are the same in every way, most cats believe they own whatever place they live in and have a complete disregard for who is actually in charge. This mindset leads to many situations where the cats and the owners butt heads. Take Binx, for example. He clearly has no regard for how blinds work and refuses to learn.

This is one of the reasons why Binx’s owners can’t have nice things, but we all know that they aren’t going to stay mad at him. Just look at that face.