1. Take The Time To Familiarize Yourself With Hiding Spots

Kittens are not only inquisitive, but their bodies are super flexible. When your kitten is exploring their new home, it’s not unlikely that they will discover hiding sports that you may not have. They’re fond of dark, small and out-of-the-way places. Remember, If they fit, they’ll sit.
2. Cover Up Any Escape Routes

If you’re keen to keep your kitten inside for the early days, you should ensure there’s no way they can make their escape. If your kitten sees something they want to investigate, they’ll do anything they can to get outside. So, double-check your windows and doors to avoid a quick getaway.
3. Store Fragile Items In A Safe Place

Cats are gifted explorers; they can climb in places you might not have imagined. If you want to ensure your fragile collectibles remain intact, it’s best to keep them stored away safely. Not only will it protect your valuable items, but it will keep your kitty safe too.
4. Remove Any Items That Are Dangling

Whether it’s a wire, a curtain rime or a window covering, if it’s dangling, it’s a toy in the eyes of your kitten. You should be mindful of anything that’s hanging, at all times. Without being dramatic, dangling cords and items can present both a hanging and choking hazard, so, simply put, do not risk it.
5. Check The Plants In Your Home Aren’t Poisonous

It’s not uncommon for kittens and adult cats to sample whatever greenery come into their domain; therefore, you should be aware that theirs a long list of plants that are poisonous to them. Beyond the health risks, even if a plant is safe for your kitten, you’ll want to try and keep it out of reach, unless you’re partial to a chewed greenery look.
6. Secure Your Drawers and Doors

If you’ve lived with a feline before, you’ll know that some kittens and cats have a knack for opening doors and drawers when they’re exploring. Unless you’ll constantly be supervising your kitten, you should install latches to ensure they can get to the places they shouldn’t be.
7. Give Your Kitten Plenty Of Toys

As we mentioned before, anything that dangles or moves is a toy to your kitten. To avoid your kitty destroying your belongings, offer them plenty of their own goodies to keep them occupied.